Daily Archives: 10/09/2020

3 posts

Constellation map of Come Bernices

Coma Bernices

I continue to groom the Eastern sky in this month’s Constellation presentation by spending some time conditioning you to appreciate the subtle shapeliness and glowing highlights just a short clip from last month’s subject, Canes Venatici (I will endeavor to refrain from additional dry hair humor in the rest of the article). Coma Berenices, or “Berenice’s Hair,” is an unusual constellation in many respects. It is one of the few constellations that owes its name (and history) to an actual person, is one of the constellations that was promoted from a lowly asterism, it marks the location of the North […]

Ursa Major

Ursa Major

The spring is known as the season of the galaxies. Ursa Major, The Big Dipper, sits between Polaris, the North Star, and the Zenith. Together with Canes Venatici, just inside the handle of the dipper, there is a multitude of galaxies and other deep sky treasures. An easy and fun starter is the pair of Alcor and Mizar. This is a double star which should just be separable with the naked eye, with Mizar being the brighter of the two. In a small telescope, Mizar should be separable into two components. The end star of the Dipper’s handle is called […]

Perseus and Andromeda constellation map

Pegasus & Andromeda

At sundown the Autumn sky is dominated by the great square of Pegasus. The stars of the square are jumping off points for many deep sky objects. There are several binocular objects that are also naked eye if one can make it to dark skies. The northeast star of the square is the star Alpheratz, which is actually in the constellation Andromeda. If one moves east to Mirach then north one comes to The Andromeda Galaxy, M31. M31 is a naked eye object at mag 4.4 and over 4 degrees in size. In comparison, a closed fist at arms length […]