perseid meteor shower

2 posts

Astronomical Chronicle For August 2012 Is Up, Plans Pending For The Perseids Tonight At Darling Hill

Greetings fellow astrophiles! 1. Perseid Opening – As of 11:00 a.m., conditions look right for opening Darling Hill for the Perseid Meteor Shower. Please keep track of this website around 5:00 p.m. today for the final decision and possible decision about opening tomorrow night instead. 2. The latest edition of the SAS newsletter is available for download below: DOWNLOAD HERE This edition features a lengthy article by the SAS’s Rick Kellogg on an Electronic Polar Alignment Scope, available for download at 2012_August_R_Kellogg_Electronic_Polar_Alignment_Scope.pdf. Rick’s summary is below: A traditional polar scope can be used to align an equatorial mount in a […]

SAS Astronomical Chronicle For July 2012, Advanced Notice About The Perseid Meteor Shower

Greetings fellow astrophile, The July 2012 edition of the Astronomical Chronicle is available for download, featuring highlights of the MOST/SAS Transit-Of-Venus session this past June 5th: 2012 July Astronomical Chronicle The previously-scheduled Summer Seminar has been turned into a Public Viewing Session to coincide with the Perseid Meteor Shower, for which we will hope to be open both nights for as long as conditions (and meteor count) will allow. Stay tuned to this page and our facebook group for updates!